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Divorce Support Workshop

May 15, 2024

My good friend and lauded Life Coach Deborah Donenfeld is partnering with UNtied, a community and resource for women in all stages of divorce, to present a virtual workshop, Making Peace with Your Split.

Please spread the word! 

This will be an interactive workshop where you’ll learn to work with the big feelings coming up for you, let go of blame (of yourself and others) - or at least put blame in the back seat - and connect with others going through a similar experience. You’ll come away with insights and tools, and there will also be an opportunity for individual “laser coaching” around areas you’re feeling particularly stuck in.

Date: Saturday, June 1st from 11am-1:30pm

Where: Zoom

Who: Please pass this along to any women you know who are going through divorce or separation, or thinking about it.

RSVP: Please register here: 

Please forward this to any women you know who are going through divorce and might benefit from community-building and processing, guided by a certified coach who has been through it, herself.